Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Day 7

A) I been speaking English to my friend the whole day today, they thought I try to show off my speking skills.
B) I feel like my English is getting better and it does help to speak English everyday even when you're not in class
C) I plan to write a letter to my sister about this class in English

Monday, November 29, 2010

Day 6

A) I read an article today and tranlate it into Vietnamese without using the dictionary.
B) It helps because i try my best to translate all the words i know and the rest i would look it up after and learn many new words
B) My plan for tomorrow i would speak English to my Vietnamese friends.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Day 5

A) I finished the all the A words in the dictionary :)
B) It helps a lot becuase i learn so many new vocabulary words
C) Tomorrow i would read a article and try to translate it in Viet without using the dictionary.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Day 4

A) I wrote a 1 paragraph essay today, about this daily work using new vocab..
B) It helps me a lot becuase i actually can use the words and understand it .
C) My plan for tomorrow is to finish the A word in the dictionary.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Rewrite Essay

Weaknesses in Learning English
Learning a new language is difficult for everyone. There are many obstacles that we need to get over. We have some weaknesses in how we study English that we will try to fix it.
First of all, we often talk in our native language. It is hard for us to speak English. We are trying to fix this by speaking English more frequently to our friends and family. Making more connection with society also can help us get more chances to speak English. In addition, we have not been made English into our lives. We like to watch dramas, read newspapers, and write down things in our native language. The only way we can conquer it is to change all of them to English and make our lives get connected with America. Finally, and most importantly, we are afraid to make mistakes. We should be brave and at least try and learn from our mistakes. We should keep in mind that mistakes help us grow bigger and stronger.
To sum it up, it is very important for us to get over our weaknesses. Though it is hard, we have to conquer them with confidence. Once we decide our strategies, we believe that we will be able to fix them. We hope our ideas can help you as well.

Day 3

A) I learn many new big vocab words today by looking at most of the A words in the dictionary.
B It helps me a lot beacuse i can now use those new words in my life
C) My plan for tomorrow is to write 1 paragraph essay using the new words I learned today.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Day 2

A) I speak English the whole day today.....
B) I was proud of myself, it did help me a lot when i actually try to speak english to everyone i know.
C) I plan to go learn some new vocabs trm .... for example - big words i have not seen or hear before.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Day 1

A) I read an article today online about cosmetology, It was a very interesting article ^^
B) It did helps me a lot because I understand most of the words on the article and learn some new words as well.
C) My plan for tormorrow is to try to speak English the whole day without speaking vietnamese, even to my parents.

Sunday, November 7, 2010


Different Ways to Practice English at PCC
I have been looking for different ways to practice English. I have been using the same ways to practice my English, now that I need to some new ways to practice my English. I plan to find some new ways to practice English at PCC.
First of all, I would go to LAC and practice writing paragraph. By writing a paragraph each day, it would help my writing skill better. It is best that the people at LAC help me correct my corrections. In addition, going to the library and spend a few hours reading different types of books would help a lot as well. Looking through books with picture can help me practice understanding the words better. Book can also help practice my reading skills. Last, and most importantly, trying to communicate with others at PCC campus is the best way to practice English. By saying hello to anyone who pass you and try to speak to them would help your speaking improve a lot better. It would be best for you if u can meet a Native speaker and see how he/she talks.
To sum it up, there are so many different ways you can practice at PCC. It’s you who can decide which are the best ways to practice your English. I recommend you try different one don’t just use the same ideas. Try writing more and ask someone to help you correct your mistakes, talks to other more and read more.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Rewrite essay

Three Different Ways of Learning 
I enjoy learning in three different ways. There are many ways I can learn better english. But i found three most important way to learn using different learning styles. First of all, I believe i learn best using Auditory learning styles. For example, watching television helps improves speaking skills. While watching television we can actually learn how to pronounce different new words. when I am bored I would liten to the radio to help my listening skills and know how the Native speaker speak English. In addition, Visiual learning is another way to learn english. I learn better when i look at pictures and also at words. When i dont understand the words i would use the pictures to help me understand the meaning of the words. Last of all, Kinesthetic learning style is also an easy way of learning english. Movements can hep me memorize things faster. It also helps prevent us from getting bore by learning when when we actually can move around. to sum it up, there are so many ways to learn English while having fun as well. According to my experience I recommend you to try different way of learning english. In my own opinion i learn more better and faster by looking at pictures, communicate with others and by listening.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Group work :)

PCC's Hallway
( Tian, Chelsea. Jenny, Lu )
1. Linguistic: linguistic can use in the hallway when you are listening other people's talk. When you hear more talk, you can learn more things about English or other language.
2.Visual Learners: hallway is a good place to read a book to improve your English. During your reading, you also can  look around to check is there anything  as same as book said, and understand the mean of the book. 
   (Jenny, Chelsea, Tian, Lu)

1. Naturalistic: The lawn in front of C-Bulding is the second place we chose. We can reading outside, it gives us a relaxed feeling. Also, it is a good place to do group project because we can talk aloud, and say our opinions.

2. Bodily-Kinesthetic: Making flash card is another way to improve English. It is connected with Bodily-Kinesthetic. Also, we can do activities on the lawn. For example, prepare presentation, play drama.



 Interpersonal Intelligence: We chose pool as the third place to imporve English. It is a good place to do peer teaching, talk aloud, step by step with patience.

Musical Intelligence: It's not only a good place to do group work but also a great place to do independent studying. We can listen music there, see how say sing in English, and look at the lyrics.